Chapter 28

Queen Jodie  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie was tired of running. She had spent her entire life fleeing from the machines, But now, as she stood face to face with the Reminon, she knew that her days of running were over.

The Reminon were unlike any other creatures she had ever seen. They were grey aliens with large, dark eyes and long, slender limbs. They were gentle and kind, treating Jodie like a queen from the moment she excepted their invitation.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

At first, she had been their captive. But despite her initial fear and resentment, Jodie found herself growing fond of these aliens. They were not the monsters she had first believed them to be.

And so, when they offered her a chance to return with them to their home planet, Gleeta, Jodie didn't hesitate to accept. There was nothing left for her on Earth but death and suffering. She was ready for a new adventure, a new life.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

As she stepped onto Gleeta for the first time, Jodie was amazed by the beauty and technology that surrounded her. The Reminon had built a world that was far more advanced than anything she had ever known on Earth.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

They took her to a luxurious palace, where she was treated like royalty. The Reminon doted on her, fulfilling her every desire and need. She couldn't believe that she had gone from being a prisoner on Earth to a queen on a faraway planet.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Reminon had become intrigued by Jodie's unquenchable thirst for sex and saw an opportunity to fulfill their own scientific curiosity while also giving her what she truly desired.

The Reminon were masters of genetic engineering and had the ability to create living creatures with specific traits and abilities. And they decided to create a special creature just for Jodie – her very own living tentacle pleasure pleaser.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie was initially hesitant when the Reminon approached her with their offer. But after learning more about the creature they had designed, and the promise of it fulfilling her every desire, she couldn't resist. The Reminon assured her that this creature was completely safe and under her control, and Jodie couldn't wait to experience its full potential.

When Jodie first laid her eyes on her new companion, she was in awe. It was a beautiful, black creature with dozens of tentacles and a sleek, shiny body. The Reminon had designed it to be the ultimate pleasure machine for Jodie, and they had succeeded.

The tentacles were expertly designed to have a mind of their own, responding to Jodie's every touch and command. They could also produce gallons of cum, which was one of Jodie's biggest cravings. The Reminon had truly thought of every detail to make this creature the perfect companion for Jodie.

Excited to test out her new living tentacle pleasure pleaser, Jodie laid down on her bed and eagerly awaited its touch. As soon as the tentacles slithered over her naked body, she knew she was in for the ride of her life.

The tentacles were slick and smooth, gliding over her skin with such precision and care. Jodie felt a surge of pleasure rush through her body as the tentacles began to explore every inch of her, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake.

But it wasn't until one of the tentacles found its way to her throbbing clit that Jodie truly lost all control. It moved in circular motions, sending waves of pleasure through her body and making her moan with ecstasy. The other tentacles began to fondle her breasts and explore her sensitive spots, leaving Jodie in a state of pure bliss.

One tentacle entered her asshole, slowly sliding in and out with such precision that it felt like nothing she had ever experienced before. And then more tentacles made their way to her greedy, hungry, tight ass, expertly stretching her and preparing her for what was to come.

As the tentacles continued to pleasure her, Jodie's body began to crave more. She wanted to feel them inside her, filling her up and satisfying her deepest desires. And without hesitation, the tentacles obliged.

And then the real fun began. The tentacles started to move in perfect harmony, double penetrating Jodie and thrusting with the perfect rhythm that she craved. Jodie had never felt so full in her life, and she couldn't get enough.

But it wasn't just the physical pleasure that Jodie was after. She was also fascinated by the creature's ability to produce gallons of cum. And as the tentacles continued to fuck her, they were also releasing loads of cum that she couldn't resist.

Jodie was in pure bliss as she fed on the cum, greedily swallowing every drop and feeling herself grow even more aroused. The tentacles seemed to know exactly how to fill her up, and Jodie had never been more satisfied.

As the pleasure continued to build, Jodie couldn't help but suck on the tentacles like a filthy nympho. She was completely covered in cum, and the sight of it turned her on even more. The living creature had fulfilled all of her fantasies, and Jodie couldn't be happier.

And as she reached her climax, Jodie let out a scream of pure ecstasy. The tentacles continued to thrust and fill her with their cum, sending her into a state of pure euphoria. It was an orgasm like she had never experienced before, and it left her trembling with pleasure.

Jodie had found her perfect companion in the living tentacle pleasure pleaser, and she knew that she would never want for anything else. The Reminon had truly given her the ultimate gift, and she would be forever grateful.


However, as the years passed, Jodie began to understand the true purpose of her presence on Gleeta. The Reminon had succeeded in cloning her, creating hybrid copies of her to give birth to a new species of Reminon. And to Jodie's surprise, they also began cloning human beings using the samples they had collected from countless male abductees during their visits to Earth.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Reminon had agreed to start birthing human clones using Jodie's clones, hoping to restart the human race after the Earth had become uninhabitable. It was a bold move, but one that was necessary to ensure the survival of both the Reminon and the humans.

Two hundred years had passed since Jodie's arrival on Gleeta. She was now known as the 'Mother of the Reminon' and was regarded as a deity by her hybrid children. The humans and Reminon lived side by side in harmony, their two species forming a bond that had never been seen before.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But as she settled into her new life on Gleeta, Jodie couldn't shake the sadness that lingered in her heart. She missed her home, her family, and the life she had left behind. It was hard to see the children she had raised on Gleeta grow old and die, while she remained young and healthy.

But despite the peace and prosperity on Gleeta, Jodie couldn't let go of her past. She often dreamed about her home planet, wondering what had become of Earth. The Reminon had promised her that one day, when Earth had healed and was ready for their return, they would take her back to see the planet and its inhabitants.


Jodie was walking through the halls of her palace, her long grey robes draped over her petite frame. As she passed by, the Reminon, her alien hosts, bowed in respect. They treated her like a queen, the one who had saved their species from extinction.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

As she was lost in her thoughts, there was a knock on her door. Jodie turned to see her loyal Reminon advisor, Xarion, standing at the door.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

'Your majesty,' Xarion said with a bow. 'The Reminon council has requested your presence.'


'Your majesty,' one of the elders said, bowing to Jodie. 'We have convened to discuss the future of the human race and the possibility of returning to Earth.'  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Earth. She had never visited her home planet since she had left all those years ago. She wondered what had become of the planet, and if there were any humans left.

The council explained their plan to send a team to Earth, along with Jodie, to check on the planet and see how the human race was faring. A part of Jodie was scared to return to a place of so much suffering and pain, but the other part of her was curious to see if humans had managed to survive after all these years.

She agreed to go back with the Reminon and the team, wanting to see what had become of her home planet. She also wanted to see if the machines, which had been the cause of Earth's downfall, were still in control.

As the Reminon started to prepare for the journey, Jodie's heart was filled with mixed emotions. She was excited to see Earth again but also scared of what she would find.

And so, after two centuries, the day finally arrived when Jodie, accompanied by the Reminon leaders, made her way back to Earth.


She stood on the bridge of a Reminon spacecraft, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety as she gazed upon the blue planet that had once been her home.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

As they landed, Jodie was in awe of the changes that had taken place. The once machine controlled planet was now covered in plant life and the air was clean and pure. The machines that had once ruled the Earth were gone.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Reminon devised a plan to transport the humans from Gleeta to Earth, using their advanced technology. It would be a seeding operation, with the goal of recolonising the planet. Jodie was chosen to lead the mission.

For the next fifteen years, Jodie and her team worked tirelessly to transport every human from Gleeta to Earth. It was a tedious and difficult process, but they managed to do it successfully. The humans were in awe of their new surroundings and grateful to the Reminon for giving them a new home.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

In the beginning, there were some challenges and conflicts between the two races. The humans were still adjusting to their new environment and the advanced technology and society of the Reminon.

As the years passed, the humans began to expand and thrive, with the Reminon by their side. They formed a powerful alliance, with the humans benefiting from the Reminon's advanced technology and the Reminon learning from the humans' resilience and adaptability. Jodie became a god-like figure to the humans, revered for her role in saving them and helping them to build a better life on Earth.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But Jodie never forgot her past. Despite her eternal life as a Reminon, she dedicated her time to writing a testament in the memory of the history of mankind. It was a way to ensure that the memory of her past and the struggles of her ancestors would live on. The testament became a sacred text for the humans, passing down the stories of their past from generation to generation.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

One day, as Jodie looked out at the beautiful world she now called home, she knew that she had made the right decision in accepting the Reminon's offer. She had been given a new chance at life, and she was grateful for the choices she had made. And as she watched the generations of humans she had helped create, she knew that her legacy would live on for generations to come.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The estimated year on Earth is 2375. Jodie managed to survive the evil of Sky-Sex and re-seed the population of the human race.. Jodie continued to rule earth as one of the most magmatic leaders to ever exist as the human race flourished once again.